The revolt of man by Walter Besant - PDF Novel

The revolt of man by Walter Besant,  (1896) Utopia Novel

The revolt of man by Walter Besant

Everyone who has written stories knows the unaccountable difference there is between the ease and delight of writing some and the difficulties and troubles which attend to the writing of others. The Revolt of Man was written during a certain summer holiday; day by day chapter by chapter was read out, as it was finished, to two ladies. It is needless to say that their comments on the progress of events were often most valuable. Above all, 

I may now acknowledge their advice as to the conclusion of the story. At first, it ended in a real battle. 'Let the Revolt of Man be bloodless,' said my advisers. It is bloodless. The advice was excellent, and I followed it; and now, after fourteen years, I take this opportunity of thanking them.

the book details :
  • Author: Walter Besant
  • Publication date: 1896
  • Publisher London : Collins' Clear-Type Press

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