All's right with the world - PDF book by Charles B. Newcomb

All's right with the world 

In passing over a mountain trail one's point of observation is often changed. Sometimes the traveler finds himself upon the edge of a precipice, looking down into dark and narrow valleys. Sometimes he climbs the heights and looks abroad over a superb and varied panorama of grand peaks and broad horizons. In our experiences of life, we find that everything related to our happiness depends upon our point of view. 

We may lift up our eyes unto the hills even when walking in the valley of the shadow. We have wings; like the dove, we can fly away and be at rest. We can dwell in the con- fines of personal suffering, or gain the higher table-lands from which we can see the glory that excelleth in the universal life spread out before us. 

The world is wearied with complaints of "hard times," "financial depression," and "social discontent." We are always looking to the future for remedies that never come. Let us open our eyes awhile to the possibilities of the present, and lay aside the smoked glasses of prejudice and ignorance through which we have looked at life. Let us identify God and man as inseparably united, — learn to unfold our latent powers and study the higher gospel of true worldliness. We will perceive that the Banquet of Life is always spread. Nature herself goes out into the highways and hedges to compel us to come in. None is really shut out from the feast except the self-exiled. All cause of suffering is in the individual himself. Life in very truth is opulence and equity.

When we have a new perception we shall gladly disburden the memory of its hoarded treasures as old rubbish. — Emerson.

What is '^nature's law.'*" Is it not simply the horizon that limits our knowledge of today.'' Tomorrow we will have climbed higher — we will have a more elevated view — we will restate the law. Yesterday we discovered gravitation. Today we are discovering magnetism. Yesterday the bit of metal fell to the ground. Today it rises to the magnet in obedience to an occult law of levitation which has apparently transcended for the moment that of gravitation. We must not be too arbitrary in our definitions. We need not hurry to reach conclusions. 
In the end, we shall doubtless find that spirit governs every element and is absolutely free of limitation. This seems to be a good working hypothesis today,


I. The Horizon of Natural Law .... 9
II. From Dan to Beersheba 11
III. Morbid Tenacity 16
IV. Christian Transgressors 21
V. Bric-a-Brac Bondage 24
VI. Postponement a Delusion 30
VII. Counterfeit Bodies 35
VIII. A Pivotal Philosophy 43
IX. Bitter Medicine 48
X. Domestic Despots 52
XI. Self-Sacrifice 55
XII. Vicious Virtues 58
XIII. Virtuous Vices 63
XIV. Miserable Offenders 70
XV. Christian Atheism 76
XVI. Logic of Faith 82
XVII. Hidden Treasures 86
XVIII. Antidotes to Worry 90
XIX. Mental Microbes 95
XX. The Folly of Resentment
XXI. Emotional Bankruptcy 104
XXII. Food for Thought 107
XXIII. Sympathy AS A Vice iii
XXIV. The Selfishness of Sorrow 114
XXV. The Gates OF Sorrow ii8
XXVI. The Problem of Life 122
XXVII. Spiritual Evolution ....'... 131
XXVIII. Spiritual Mathematics 138
XXIX. Vibratory Affinity ....... 143
XXX. Vibratory Forces 150
XXXI. Thought Vibrations 158
XXXII. The Hypnotic Power of Words . . 166
XXXIII. Insomnia 175
XXXIV. Pillow Thoughts 180
XXXV. An Honest Graveyard 187
XXXVI. Suicide: IS IT Worth While . ... 191
XXXVII. Present Immortality -199
XXXVIII. The Dash for Liberty 204
XXXIX. Strong Swimmers 206
XL. Poverty as a Disease 211
XLI. Opulence through Growth .... 222
XLII. Telepathy — The Circulation of
Mind 230
XLIII. Mental Dyspepsia 237
XLIV. Restless Aspirations 241
XLV. Go Forward 253

the book details :
  • Author: Charles B. Newcomb
  • Publication date: 1897
  • Company:Boston, The Philosophical Publishing Company

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