Self-healing through Autosuggestion- by Charles F. Winbigle - PDF ebook

Self-healing through autosuggestion 

Self-healing through autosuggestion

Excerpt from the author's introduction:

Many books have presented certain phases of psychology and the number is increasing yearly which present particularly the theory and application of suggestion and Autosuggestion. My large work on Suggestion, which is now being published by the American Library Service, contains a discussion of the theory and practice of Suggestion in its many phases and relations.

The student and reader will find it quite comprehensive. There has been a great demand for a Manual that will present a brief and workable statement of this comparatively new science and one that contains examples and forms of Suggestion which can be used or modified for indi¬ vidual needs. Technical terms and discussions must be avoided so that anyone can understand what is stated and be able to apply the instructions.

The limitation of terms will of necessity requires to consider¬ able repetition. This is to some people very objection¬ able but with this science allowable and necessary. Repetition is the hammer that drives into the mind suggestions so that they may anchor and manifest in life. Then, too, the endeavour to simplify the subject so that everyone can understand and apply the principles, it is necessary to repeat certain words, phrases, and thoughts.

If the instructions in this manual are strictly and persistently followed there is no reason why great and even remarkable effects may not be realized in the reader’s life. These instructions have been tested un¬ der many circumstances and they have proven effective in producing great changes, establishing normal in place of abnormal states, and opening up possibilities for the unfolding of one’s personality.


Chapter I. Suggestion Defined and Classified.21
Chapter II. Autosuggestion Defined and Illustrated. 30
Many Phases Considered 1
Chapter III. Conditions Necessary for Effective Autosuggestion . . 50
(a). Relaxation
(b ). Attention
(c) . Brevity and Definiteness
(d) . Repetition
(c). The Best Time to Give Autosuggestion
Chapter IV. Suggestion and Autosuggestion Applied.59
Chapter V. Suggestion and Autosuggestion Applied to Adverse
Chapter VI. Personal Methods Proven Effective.98
Chapter VII. Some Formulae for Typical Cases. ill
(1) . For Insomnia
(2) . For Constipation
(3) . For Sick-Headache, Nervous Pains, etc.
(4) . For Nervousness, Impatience, Anger andPassion
(5) . For Self-Consciousness, Bashfulness and Indecision.
Chapter VIII. Summary and Conclusion.118

the book details :
  • Author:Charles F. Winbigle
  • Publication date: 1923
  • Company: New York: American Library Service

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