One hundred and one famous poems - PDF by Roy Jay Cook

One hundred and one famous poems, with a prose supplement

One hundred and one famous poems

From introduction:

A Spirit of daring out of all proportion to any hope of gain must at times possess a publisher. You doubtless have heard the story of the "One Hundred and One Best Songs"; how its publishers printed several hundred thousand books in order that they might be sold at a price so low as to enable every child to have one. 

That, likewise, is the aim of this collection. To that eminent critic of English verse whose painstaking care in proofreading has made this volume authoritative, the publisher acknowledges his gratitude and debt. 

The selections by Emerson, Burroughs, Holmes, Lowell, Sill, Whittier, Cary, Larcom and Longfellow, are used by permission of and special arrangement with Houghton-Mifflin Company, authorized publishers of their works. Grateful acknowledgement is also made to D. Appleton &c Company, F. W. Bourdillon, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Charles Scribner's Sons, Double day-Page & Company, Little, Brown & Company, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, A. P. Watt & Son, "The Academy," London, and the Librarian, the University of Edinburgh, without whose kind co-operation this collection could not have been made.

Sir Patrick Spens 125
Snowstorm, The — Ralph Waldo Emerson 21
Soliloquy from Hamlet — William Shakespeare .' 143
Solitude — Ella Wheeler Wilcox 72
Song of the Chattahoochee — Sidney Lanier 57
Song of the Shirt — Thomas Hood 51
Sonnet on His Blindness — John Milton 91
Spider and the Fly, The — Mary Howitt 145
Thanatopsis — William Cullen Bryant 92
That Time of Year — William Shakespeare 80
Things that Are More Excellent, The — William Watson 132
Time and Eternity (In Memoriam) — Alfred Tennyson 140
To a Skylark — Percy Bysshe Shelley 22
To a Waterfowl — William Cullen Bryant 158
Waiting  — John Burroughs 76
When in Disgrace — William Shakespeare 119
Wolsey's Farewell to His Greatness (Henry VHI) — John Fletcher 45
World Is Too Much With Us, The — William Wordsworth. . . 55
Your Mission — Ellen H. Gates . . . .29
Declaration of Independence, The 171
Gettysburg Address — Abraham Lincoln 167
Letter to Mrs, Bixby — Abraham Lincoln' 166
Magna Charta 169
Ten Commandments, The 168
War Inevitable, The — Patrick Henry 170

the book details :
  • Author: Roy Jay Cook
  • Publication date: 1916
  • Company: Chicago, The Cable Company, distributors]

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