Old friends are best
Take these thoughts with you for the year; go down into the valley with your brothers and work them out in life.
Let us not concern ourselves about how other men will do their duties, but concern ourselves about how we shall do ours. — Lyman Abbott.
If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counsellor, caution your elder brother, and honesty your guardian genius. — Addison.
Intend honestly and leave the event to God.
— Aesop.
The world is a school and the business of its occupants, the pursuit of education fitting them to grad-
rate into the invisible university of God.
rate into the invisible university of God.
— W. R. Alger.
After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem, there is a solution, and the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer. — TV. R. Alger.
The birth of a little child reveals God; the helplessness of a little child proves providence; the innocence of a little child illustrates heaven; the death of a little child implies immortality. Surely no little one sent into an earthly home, even but for a day, and bequeathing these beautiful and sublime lessons can be thought to have come and gone in vain. — W. R . Alger.
All high happiness has in it some element of love; all love contains a desire for peace. One immediate effect of a new happiness is to make us turn toward the past with a wish to straighten out its difficulties, heal its breaches and forgive its wrongs. — James Lane Allen.
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