Fundamentals of Success;- PDF book by Hiram Boaz

Fundamentals of Success

Fundamentals of Success


When but a barefoot country boy wearing homemade pants and a “hickory” waist I attended a small rural school taught by a little crippled woman, Miss Tabby Phillips. The schoolhouse stood on the side of a hill not far from a beautiful stream and a lovely grove. It was a small one-room shanty with bare walls and puncheon seats. 

The house was unattractive, the furniture homemade, but the teacher was a rare and radiant spirit. She wielded a powerful influence over her pupils. Along with the others I worshipped at her shrine.
 One beautiful day, never to be forgotten, she said to me: “Hiram, if you will be a good boy and study hard, someday you can be a member of the United States Congress.” How my bosom swelled with boyish pride! 

With bounding steps and a joyous heart, I hastened home to tell my mother what “Miss Tabby” had said. With tender love and solicitude, she confirmed my teacher’s prediction; then I was sure that I could grow to be a man of distinction if I would only try.

This seed thought planted by m teacher and cultivated by my faith¬ ful mother grew into a great purpose to live the best and noblest life possible for me. Many times my teacher whispered in my glad ear something of her hope to see me someday a “great man,” and many times my mother urged me to the faithful discharge of every duty in order to realize my ambition. 

Continually the great purpose glowed and burned in my bosom until it became a consuming passion. I thought of it by day; I dreamed of it by night. I was to be a “great man” someday and achieve honour for myself and my family. It was a constant in¬ spiration to hard study and the faithful performance of every duty. I knew that a statesman ought to be a scholar and an honourable man. I was trying in my boyish way to measure up to the standard of a statesman in embryo. They had set the ambition in my heart to do the best I could to live a noble life and be of real value to the world.

Contents of the book

I. Our Wonderful Day . 13
II. Golden Opportunities. 31
III. The Demand for Men. 48
IV. The Value of a Man. 63
V. Heredity. 79
VI. Environment. 92
VII. The Will. 107
VIII. Divine Grace. 120
IX. The Ultimate Aim. 125
X. How to Fail. 138
XI. The Meaning of Success. 156
XII. Conditions of Success. 166
XIII. More Conditions of Success. 184
XIV. Courage and Faith Necessary. 200

the book details :
  • Author: Hiram Boaz
  • Publication date: 19 23
  • Company: Nashville, Tenn., Cokesbury press

  • Download Fundamentals of Success - 8.2 MB