Teach Yourself Carpentry (1940) PDF ebook by Leonard Cutts with Illustrations

Teach Yourself Carpentry (1940)  by Leonard Cutts

Teach Yourself Carpentry

Excerpt from the editor's introduction:

The desire to make things is inherent in most of us, and in accordance with our own particular make-up so we begin to make furniture, paint pictures, beat out metal, make model ships, or whatever it may be. Some crafts call for special ability in one direction or another, and if one does not happen to possess it the craft is ruled out entirely. Woodwork is almost unique in this connection, for there are very few people who cannot go in for it. This is partly because anyone, given intelligent application, can learn to work wood successfully, and partly because there are so many branches of woodwork that practically everyone can find one that will appeal to him. Consider for a minute a few of the things that can be made: furniture, toys, garden woodwork, models, carving, general household woodwork, etc. A man’s tastes must be very specialized if he cannot find something here to interest him.

There are other reasons, however, why woodwork is the ideal hobby. It is inexpensive, the material is comparatively cheap and the tools not costly (many often already exist in the household chest); it is clean, a wash under the tap after, work making one’s hands spotless; it can be either light or heavy work, whichever appeals to one; and it is invariably an economy, for one can make things which would often be costly to buy.

Before one can get the best out of a hobby, however, certain fundamental knowledge is necessary, and the purpose of this book is to supply this knowledge and to provide suggestions and practical designs for things to make. 

The opening chapters deal with the choice, care, and use of tools. These are followed by details of the various joints used in woodwork, how they are cut and when used. Finally, there is a wide range of things to make, these being divided up under the headings of outdoor woodwork, small things to make, and furniture. It will be seen that in nearly every case a cutting list is provided to assist in ordering materials. The usual allowance of about | in. in length and l in. to ] in. in Tvidth is made. Thicknesses are net. Altogether this book should prove ideal for the man who has no£ had much experience in woodwork and who seeks the essential elementary knowledge which will put him on the right track, and for the rather more advanced woodworker, who needs suggestions for things to make and practical designs from which to work.

Author: Leonard Cutts
  Publication Date:1940
