Martin Eden - PDF novel by Jack London

 Martin Eden

Martin Eden

A powerful book. A dynamic working-class man discovers the world of knowledge and culture, falls in love with a girl from this new world, and realizes he has a gift for writing. Although he eventually succeeds after much self-denial one after another his new ideals prove to be disappointments. The portrayal of his dawning consciousness is dazzling.

The second half of the book drags somewhat but the tragic ending - which came as more of a surprise than it should have - has the inevitability of a force of nature.

Some Quotes

“I was not made for the desk and counting-house, for petty business squabbling, and legal jangling.”

“But I am I. And I won't subordinate my taste to the unanimous judgment of mankind” 

“Let beauty be your end. Why should you mint beauty into gold? Anyway, you can’t;” 

the book details :
  • Author: Jack London
  • Publication dateL 1908
  • Company: New York: Macmillan

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