The adventures of a tropical tramp (Peru Travel and Descriptions) 1922 Free PDF book with Illustrations

The adventures of a tropical tramp (Peru Travel and Descriptions)  1922 Free PDF book

Peru Travel


I The Lure of South America ..... 1

II Down the West Coast in the Steerage. ^ 9

III In the City of the Kings 21

IV Over the World's Highest Railway ... 31
V In an Andean Mining Camp 46

VI At the Peruvian Bull Ring 67

VII A Newspaper Correspondent on Muleback. 79

VIII Among the Chuncho Indians 99

IX The Burning of Paita 117

X In the Capital of the Incas 138

XI A War Correspondent Without a War . . 155

XII In the Diplomatic Service 178

XIII The Fourth of July in Lima 195

XIV Into the Jungle with Missionaries . . . 213
XV The Battle of Puerto Bermudez .... 239

XVI Canoeing Through the Wilderness . . . 261

XVII Down the Ucayali to the Amazon .... 286

XVIII In Peru's Most Isolated City 310

XIX Descending the Greatest of Rivers . . . 333

XX Among the Beachcombers in Brazil . . . 352

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