Teach Yourself Catering And Hotel Management - PDF by V. G. Winslet

Teach Yourself Catering And Hotel Management 

Teach Yourself Catering

The success of any establishment rests very largely on the staff employed. If the industry is. to be efficient in every respect, There is no room for wasted effort due to misplaced labour, with its consequent frustration and unhappiness. From personnel, as from proprietors, the industry demands initiative, really hard work, together with high standards of cleanliness, of buying, projecting and presenting food, and of everything that goes to give service in it^ widest and best sense to the community at large. It is not a matter of serving a cup of coffee or a six-course dinner, but of selling a specialized product allied with the personal service of everyone engaged in the industry

Herein are set out as fully as possible the salient facts relating to the catering industry in general and its daily operation. The author has had many years of the closest contact with its varied demands, its often exciting incidents, and its absorbing interests. He hopes sincerely that the knowledge imparted will be of value to all readers, whether they have attained executive positions, are about to set up in some catering enterprise, or presently occupy quite humble places in this great industry.

 Some contents:

Introduction . . . . . . . . v
I. Growth of the Catering Industry — Inns and Hotels —
Places of Refreshnmt — ^The Hotel and Catering
Institute — Principal Trade Organisations ... 9

II. Taking Over a Going Concern — Opening a New
Business — Purchasing the Premises — Mortgage —
Insurances — Life Assurance — ^Precautions Against
Fire — Powers of Local Authorities — ^Income Tax. 17

III. The Legal Side — ^Limited Liability Companies — ^Partner-
ships — Registration of Business Names — ^Licoraed
Premises — ^Food and Pests — Various Licences—
Some Legal Terms and Definitions. 50

IV. Maintenance of the Building? — ^Maintenance of Installations — Light, Heat and ventilation 
Wise Selection of Equipment — Furnishings — Linen — China and
Glass — Cutlery and Silverware — Kitchen and -Service-room Equipment — Keeping ap Inventory 

Author: V. G. Winslet
 Publication Date: 1919

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