Strength, and how to obtain it - PDF (1897) by Eugen Sandow

Strength, and how to obtain it  

Strength, and how to obtain it


Hundreds of letters reach me daily, asking “ Can I become strong 1 ” Yes; you can all become strong if you have the will and use it in the right direction. But, in the first place, you must learn to exercise your mind. These first of all lessons in physical training is of the utmost importance. For on it the whole of my system depends. I

f physical exercise alone and unaided could achieve the desired end, then would everyone who, like the breaker of stones, has to use his muscles to earn his daily bread, become, in a popular acceptation of the term, “ a strong man.” The breaker of stones, however, never uses his mind. He has to get through a given amount of work, and his method is purely mechanical.

 Though he may use his muscles in hard work every day of the year it is unlikely that his strength will ever materially increase. Exercise, indeed, without using the mind in conjunction with it, is of no use. 

It is the brain that develops the muscles. Physical exercise must be commenced by degrees, first bringing into play one muscle, then two, then three, and so on, being careful all the time to put the mind into every movement. Let me strongly advise every student to study well the anatomical chart which is published with this book. By its aid, you will be able not only to receive a useful lesson in anatomy, but you will also be able to see at a glance the exercise by which each muscle may be developed.

Content of the book:

Introduction 3
I. — How to Exercise 13
II. — The Secret of the Cold Bath 17
III.— The Tables of Ages 19
IY. — Prizes for Pupils 27
Y. — Sandow’s Chart of Measurements 28
VI.— Sandow’s School of Physical Culture 30
VII. — The Sandow- Whitely Improved Exerciser 32
VIII. — Heavy Weight Lifting 34
IX. — Nutritive Qualities of Foods 35

Letters from Pupils 36
Portraits of Pupils 74

Incidents of my Professional Career.

I. — My Childhood and Boyhood 89
II. — How I came to London and Defeated Samson 93
III. — I meet Goliath 103
IV. — A Presentation under Curious Circumstances 109
V. — The Living Weights 115
VI. — On the “ Elbe” : Bound for New York 119
VII. — My First Hour in America 123
VIII. — Incidents of the American Tour ... 129
IX.— My Lion Fight in San Francisco 135
X — Further Incidents of the Tour 141
XI.— My Dog Sultan 145
XII.— My Performance at the Present Time ... 153
XIII— My Measurements 157

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