Practice handbook in English- Easley Stephen Jones- PDF ebook

Practice handbook in English; a drill book and review in the essentials of writing and speaking

Practice handbook in English;

The book provides eighty full-page exercises which may be answered on strips of paper laid alongside. The one-word or tw^o-word answers ma}'' be corrected in a moment by the strip key. Students may grade their own papers and profit from their success or failure at the time the work is done. They may do the work in blocks or contracts with a minimum of supervision from the teacher. Tlie reviews are particularly useful for make-up work and for remedial work with students differing widely in preparation. The oral exercises include speech-making and reading, with drills on enunciation and pronunciation.

This Practice Handbook reviews the fundamentals of writing and speech. About half its bulk is exercise material, oral and written, with tests and reviews. It attempts to be simple, definite, and practical. Organization Units are grouped in blocks of five and summarized in a chart for quick reference. The aim is to unify the material about a few centres instead of splitting the subject into hundreds of small rules. Each article gets at the fundamental difficulties first in the shortest possible way. Emphasis on Right Forms The book employs, among other graphic devices, a new cross-out method.

A faulty sentence is printed, and a correction is handwritten directly upon it. Thus the emphasis falls on correct forms. The student never sees bad English except as crossed out and corrected in a way that is bold, decisive, and memorable. The book provides eighty full-page exercises that may be answered on strips of paper laid alongside. The one-word or tw^o-word answers ma}'' be corrected in a moment by the strip key. Students may grade their own papers and profit by their success or failure at the time the work is done.

Author: Easley Stephen Jones
 Publication Date: 1935

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