A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty - PDF J. P. Mahaffy

A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty

A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty
A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty

In preparing this volume I have received generous assistance from Prof. Petrie, who has placed at my disposal many photographs of objects in his valuable collection, and of Egyptian monuments; also from the editors of the Classical Rcviezi\ for the facsimile of the newest Ptolemaic inscription recovered (p. 138); also from Mr. M'Gregor, who has sent me a reproduction of the head-dress which corresponds to that of the child Berenike (p. 117); also from Mr. F. LI. Griffith, for his explanation of the Ptolemaic titles (Appendix); and lastly from Dr Botti, who has allowed me to copy his new map of Alexandria, which, although still incomplete and far from final, is yet much in advance of any map of the city hitherto attempted. It, unfortunately, did not appear till this book was almost ready for the press, so could not be inserted /

Some contents:

The results of the battle of Issus upon Egypt, 2. Alexander's victorious entry, 3 ; his policy towards Greeks and natives, 4; his coronation, 5-7. Choice of site for Alexandria, 8; its foundation, 9; and topog'raph}^ 10-13. His visit to Oasis of Amon, 14-16. Deified, 17, 18. Effect of his conquest on natives, 19; political and military settlement, 20-22. Acts of Cleomenes, 23, 24.

Financial devices of Cleomenes, 25, 26. Egypt in the division of Alexander's empire, 27, 28. Disputes about Alexander's burial, 29, 30. Cyrene acquired, 30, 31 ; and Cyprus, 31, 32 ; but not Syria, at least not permanently, 33, 34. Ptolemy and the Jews, 33; and native soldiers, 33 ; his family affairs, 34, 35. Satrap for ArridjEus and for Alexander IV., 35, 36. Wars, 37, 38. 

Proclamation, 38-41. Death of Alexander IV., 42. Naval supremacy of Egypt, 43, 44. Ptolemy declared king, 44, 45. Magas sent to Cyrene, 45-47. Invasion of Antigonus and Demetrius, 47-51 ; their retreat, 51. Title of King, 51. Coinage, 52. Battle of Ipsus, 53. Ptolemy holds Syria, 54, 55. Later years, 55, 56. The Serapeum at Alexandria, 56-58. New cities — Ptolemais, 59 ; Menelaos, 60; Alexandria, the Museum, 61, 62. Coinage, 62. Abdication, 63; and death, 64.

details :
  • Author:  Mahaffy, John Pentland
  • Publication date: 
  • Remark  New York: Scribner

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