The travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria - PDF Translated by John Winter Jones

The travels of Ludovico di Varthema

The travels of Ludovico di Varthema

 in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508 

This translation was made from the first Italian edition of 1510; the truthfulness of Varthema's narrative, and simplicity of his style; later - editions more or less faulty; the present version intended to be a faithful representation of the original text; Varthema's work immediately attracted attention, i-iii. Different editions and translations enumerated: Italian; Latin; German; Spanish; French; Dutch; English. Deficiency of all the authorities as to Varthema's antecedents, xvii; not supplied by allusions in his dedication, xix; notice of the Lady Agnesian, Duchess of Albi and Tagliacozzo, to whom he dedicates, xix; Eamusio's preface has no information, and his edition a third-hand version, xxi; particulars derivable with more or less certainty from the narrative itself, xxii;

his motives for travelling, xxiii; the character of his narrative, xxiii; scanty recompense, xxiv. Date of his leaving Europe, xxv; remarks on his notices of Cairo and -Egypt under the Mamluks, ib. ; Syria and Damascus, xxvi; his enrollment as a Mamliik, and reserve as to his profession of Islam, his Mus- Sulman name (Tunas or Jonah), and his knowledge of Muhammedanism, xxvi; remarks on such conformity to Islamism, xxvii;

he joins the Hajj Caravan from Damascus, ib.; the only European who has reached Meccah by that route, xxvii; his sketches of the desert and Bedawin, xxviii; his notice of a colony of Jews near El-Medinah, and the fact authenticated, ib.; his description of El-Medinah and correction of fables about Mukam- med's coffin, xxix;

his journey on to Meccah, xxx; his notice of the politics of the time confirmed by Arabic authorities, the Kurrat El- Ay Cm and Riuih er-Ruah, xxx-xxxv; his account of Meccah, its visitors, holy places, and ceremonies, xxxv; wonderful truth of his descriptions, as confirmed incidentally by Burckhardt and expressly by Burton, xxxv

Some contents

The privilege of printing was granted to Varthema by Raphael Bishop of Portueri
and Cardinal of St. George, the Pope's Chamberlain.
Dedication to Countess of Albi and Duchess of Tagliacozzo, 1-4.
First Chapter concerning Alexandria, 5.

Chapter concerning Cairo, 5, 6.
Size of the city, 5; Sultan, Mamelukes, and Moors, 6.
Chapter concerning Baruti, Tripoli, and Aleppo, 6, 7.
Sails to Baruti (Beyroot), 6; St. George and the Dragon, 7; goes to
Tripoli, ih. ; to Aleppo, ib.
Chapter concerning Aman and Menin, 8.
First Chapter concerning Damascus, 8-11.
The beauty of Damascus, 8; Varthema learns Moorish (Arabic) ; Castle
of Damascus; story of its builder, a Florentine, 9 ; the government of
Damascus under the Sultan of Cairo, and oppressive exactions, 10 ;
watchmen, 11.
Second Chapter concerning said Damascus, 11, 12.
Riches; fruits and flowers; water and fountains, 11; Mosque of St.
Zachariah; legendary sites of St. Pavd's history and others, 12.
Third Chapter concerning [the Mamelukes in] Damascus, 13-15.
Mamelukes, their training, pay, and customs, 13; rudeness to ladies;
dress of ladies; divorces; cheese, milk, and goats, 14 ; truffles; dress
of Moors; Mameluke oppression; Christian merchants, 15.
Chapter showing the route from Damascus to Mecca, wherein
some Arabs are concerned, 16-19.
Varthema joins the caravan to Mecca in the character of a Mame-
luke; travels to Mezeribe, 16; Zambei a great Arab lord; his plan excursions; Arabs described, 17; numbers in the caravan, and its marshalling; length of the journey to Mecca; food of camels ;
halts to water, 18; fights with the Arabs at watering places; 

the book details :
  • Author: Ludovico di Varthema, also known as Barthema and Vertomannus (c. 1470 – 1517), was an Italian traveller, diarist, and aristocrat known for being the first non-Muslim European to enter Mecca as a pilgrim. Nearly everything that is known about his life comes from his own account of his travels, Itinerario de Ludovico de Varthema Bolognese, published in Rome in 1510.
  • Translator: John Winter Jones
  • Publication date: 1863 
  • Company: London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society

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