The mystery of Osiris - PDF by Reuben Swinburne Clymer

The mystery of Osiris

The mystery of Osiris

The object of the present work is to draw aside the veil that ignorance and bigotry have thrown over the past; to show how and where the false teachings and mummeries, oft-times called religion, had their origin; to lead the studious mind by pleasing and sublime paths to those ancient fields the fathers wandered through; there to pluck the same kind of fruit on which they feasted, and scent the fragrant perfumes that were wafted to them from amid the ambrosial bowers where science held her court; to give the hidden sense to those hieroglyphs that eastern sages carved upon their temples, obelisks and tombs, and explain the meaning of terms and phrases/

keys to their mysteries, (the real sense of which has given place to false interpretations and conclusions,) all of which are based upon those ancient symbols, which were so beautiful in their inception, but have been perverted by the ignorance of succeeding ages. 

Our object is to help the student to read the history of the past, as we find it recorded in the hieroglyphs, engraved upon pyramids, tombs, temples, triumphal arches, and statuary; explain it as we have it handed down to us in feasts and fasts, in forms and ceremonies, names and symbols, and the various fragments of the arts and sciences that have reached our time, notwithstanding the mad fury of superstitious zealots. And above all, to give as much of the inner mysteries which I have been taught in the real initiation into these mysteries as we are allowed to give to the world at large at the present time.

 A knowledge of these religions (in their outer form) has been handed down to us in the form of myths, legends, riddles and parables; and these, as interpreted by most of the moderns, are merely childish stories, destitute of either truth or plausibility, giving evidence of a most feeble intellect on the part of the authors; but, rescued from the misrepresentations of learned ignorance, and understood according to their real meaning, they rise up before us in beauty and grandeur, and exhibit to us a system of worship and belief,- — intricate most certainly, and requiring ages to complete it, — yet eminently worthy of the giant minds and vigorous intellects that during many generations were engaged in perfecting it."

The work before the reader is not an original one, for nearly all that it contains has been in book form before. However, it has not been our desire to produce an original one, for even had it been, it would be impossible since there is very little original along these lines. 

In saying this, we naturally refer to the outer symbolism of the Egyptians, for nearly all of this has been given to the world at some time or another. Our desire, therefore, is not to simply place symbolism before the people, but to explain and make clear, a part of the inner meaning of this sublime symbolism, so that those who really care for the truth will be able to find it. 

In the year 1859, a work was issued by G. C. Stewart under the title of "The Hierophant." This work, while far from correct, is possibly the best and most fair of all such works ever published, there is but one shortcoming, and that is, the fact that he knew nothing of the inner meaning of these things or Egyptian teachings for the reason that he was not an Initiate. 

The present work has for a base, this book by Stewart and has been so edited that it brings it within the exact truths known to the Initiates of the Inner Egyptian Mysteries. All such parts as are taken from "The Hierophant" are started with quotation marks, and the reader will thus know at once what is selected material to corroborate the statements, and which is the matter which appeared in "The Hierophant." The notes to the work are absolutely correct and in perfect harmony with the Ancient Egyptian Initiation; this is said by the authority of that Sublime Order which still has the conservation of those secrets and which will always retain them. 

the book details :
  • Author: Reuben Swinburne Clymer
  • Publication date: 1909
  • Company: Allentown,by the Philosophical publishing company

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