Strike strategy - PDF book by John Steuben

Strike strategy

Strike strategy

John Steuben has been active in the labour movement since his early youth. He was first a machinist who came to understand the problems of workers as a worker himself and later, in 1936, was a member of the original staff of the CIO Steel Workers Organizing Committee.

 It was the gigantic task of this committee to organize the tens of thousands of steelworkers in the Mahoning Valley, one of the largest steel-producing centres in the world. During this period he came to be "regarded by his fellows," as the New Republic said, "as one of the ablest and most conscientious field workers for the CIO."

 In 1987 John Steuben s superb qualities as a leader brought him into national prominence in the now-famous "Little Steer strike in which he was an important factor in leading the workers in that conflict which eventually resulted in victory against Tom Girdler, head of Republic Steel. Mr Steuben is also the author of the book Labor in Wartime, an analysis of labour relations during World War I.

He is at present Secretary-Treasurer of the New York Hotel Front Service Employees Union, AFL.

Some contents:

 1-The Right to Strike

We Are Strike-ConsciousSafeguarding the Right to Strike-The "Cooling Off* Tactic The "National Emergency" Device Strikes as Expression of Discontent- Striking for Dollars and Cents Do Strikes Cause Higher Prices? Why Not Compromise? Is the Public the Victim?
 2-The Great Tradition

3-Strikes and Politics

It Was Once a "Conspiracy" How Strikes Reflect Political Conditions-Political Aspects of Strike Strategy The Fight for Labor Legislation-Courts Against Picket Lines State Anti-Strike Laws "Emergency" Laws.
4 Application of Military Strategy

Military and Strike Principles ComparecL- How Strikes and Warfare Differ Industrial Munitions Against Unions How Employers Plan for Industrial Warfare How State and Federal Troops Operate Indoctrinating the National Guard

5-Preparing for Battle
Constant Alertness Preparing the Newly Organized to Strike Reaching the Workers and Their Families Going to the People Involving the Rank and File Organizing the Strike Leadership Setting Up Essential Strike Committees An Example of Strike Efficiency Does a Depression Rule Out Strikes? Tackling the Unem- ployment Problem Achieving United Ranks

6-On the Line
Well Begun-Half Done-Timing: The Value of Surprise The Power of a Perfect Walkout How to Handle Backward Workers Planning the First Picket Line- Reaching the Bulk of the Strikers-The Longer the Line the Shorter the Strike- Dangers of Token PicketingWhat to do about Scabs Can Strikebreaking Ever be "Legitimate"?-What a Picket Plan Must Include Sample Instructions to Pickets

7-On the Offensive

All Together or "One at a Time 9 ' Broader Strategy Forestalling Employer Tactics- Examples of SolidarityBringing Up Reserves dramatizing the Strike

8-Public Support
Labor Has Allies How UE Reached the People The Story of Reverend Jones- Winning Church Support Winning the Farmers and Veterans Don't Write Off the Press

Author: John Steuben
 Publication Date: 1950

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