Republican Rome - H.L Havell - PDF ebook

Republican Rome: her conquests, manners, and institutions from the earliest times to the death of Caesar

Republican Rome

after the manuscript of this book was completed Mr Havell when on a visit to England from Halle, where he lectured in the University, met with a fatal accident while cycling. This lamentable termination of a busy and honoured life removed from the book in its progress through the press the assistance which would in ordinary circumstances be rendered by the author. Fortunately, 

Mr Havell was extremely careful in finishing his manuscripts. But his work upon the selection of the illustrations was not very far advanced, and only some notes concerning the maps were found to be serviceable. 

It was therefore necessary to begin this part of the work afresh, and Mr H. B. Cotterill was good enough to undertake the selection of the illustrations and to write the explanatory Notes upon them. 

We are also greatly indebted to him for his valuable advice and assistance in the compilation of the maps. Mr Cotterill desires that acknowledgement should be made here of the kind assistance given him in the selection of the coins by Mr J. Allan, of the Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum. Marius 360 vii

from the introduction:

Author: H. L. HAVELL
 Publication Date: 1914
  • Company: London, G. Harrap

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