My System PDF book by J. P. Muller ( 15 Minutes Fitness Guide )

My System PDF book by J. P. Muller ( Fitness Guide )

15 Minutes of Exercise a Day for Health's Sake. Here is a real treasure - a manual for fitness for all. Forget all the fads and expensive books that take you nowhere - 15 minutes dedicated each day, no equipment needed but your own self and some space and you are well on your way to fitness, health, and cheer. You will not regret this book.

 A good, wholesome and natural exercise that you can do in your room every day for robust health and fitness. Use it or lose it - here is how to use it!

The endorsement of the " System " by the leading medical men of Europe, the constant comments and favorable analytic reviews in the Continental medical Press

 the references to it in numerous medical works published by well-known Continental savants speedily commended it to British physicians, who were only too ready to investigate a physical culture system and which recognized as essential the importance of medical advice m carrying out the instructions.

Author: J. P. Muller

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