How to write short stories PDF book 1921 by Josephine Bridgart

How to write short stories by Josephine Bridgart

How to write short stories by Josephine Bridgart
How to write short stories

WRITING for publication is a business. If the new writer accepts this fact he will have laid a foundation upon which, if he has the necessary natural ability, he can build success.

If a young woman tells you that she intends to take up nursing, and later reveals that her chief reason for doing so is that the uniforms in a certain hospital have attracted her, or that she enjoys reading to the sick, -or dislikes the business life her father has suggested for her, or has heard that nurses make a great deal of money, you immediately feel that her nursing will not be a great success. You reason that nursing involves some very hard and disagreeable duties., and that a girl who thinks only of the incidental pleasures or the monetary rewards is pretty sure to fail. It is not common business sense to enter a profession without taking into consideration the requirements of that profession.

I have read this lack of common business sense between the lines of many a first story. Some of these stories tell how a young girl with no experience won a prize in a short story or novel contest; often the prize-winning story was written in an afternoon, an evening

details :
  • Author: Josephine Bridgart
  • Publication date: 1921
  • Remark Cincinnati, The Writer's Digest

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