Alice adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll - PDF ebook

Alice's adventures in Wonderland 

Alice's adventures in Wonderland

A little girl falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of nonsensical and amusing characters

Excerpt from the book introduction

In Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll created a fantastic world peopled with unforgettable characters and creatures. This world may fascinate adults, but it was originally envisioned and expanded upon for the entertainment of children, and that is why it has been loved for well over a century. Victorian children's authors considered it their duty to "improve" their audience. But Alice in Wonderland is neither moralistic nor condescending.

In Carroll's hands. Father William, a man committed to diligence and dignity, becomes a scalawag who revels in absurdity. The same treatment was also given to "How doth the little busy bee," and "'Tis the voice of the sluggard." The Queen of Hearts, with her maniacal devotion to manners and protocol, can definitely be read as a rather thinly veiled caricature of Queen Victoria. 

The dry speech given by the Mouse at the very beginning of Alice's journey is, in fact, an actual quote from a textbook of Carroll's time. Besides parodying most of the Victorian era's customs, Alice in Wonderland is practically brimming over with word games and logical fallacies.

The Mad Hatter is being punished for beating Time. The March Hare can't understand why the Hatter's watch doesn't keep time after being filled with butter — after all, it was the best butter One makes turtle soup from the turtle, so Mock Turtle soup must be made from . . . and so on.

Contents of the book
I. Down the Rabbit-Hole 1
II. The Pool of Tears 9
III. A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale 16
IV. The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill 24
V. Advice from a Caterpillar 34
VI. Pig and Pepper 43
VII. A Mad Tea-Party 54
VIII. The Queen's Croquet-Ground 63
IX. The Mock Turtle's Story 73
X. The Lobster-Quadrille 82
XI. Who Stole the Tarts? 91
X11. Alice's Evidence 98
Author: Lewis Carroll
Publisher: Great Britain: Aerie Books
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