A complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms - PDF book by Samuel Fallows

A complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

A complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

Embracing a Dictionary of Briticisms, Americanisms, Colloquial Phrases, etc., in current use; the Grammatical Uses of Prepositions and Prepositions Discriminated; a List of Homonyms und homophonous Words; a Collection of Foreign phrases, and a Complete List of Abbreviations and Contractions used in Writing,

This work is designed to aid students, literary men, public speakers and others, in finding the best word to express the thought they wish to convey. 

The author believes that the Antonyms will be of as great assistance in furnishing words of opposite meaning as the Synonyms in supplying synonymous words. 

The special works of Roget, Soule, Skeats, Campbell, Archdeacon Smith, etc., and the various standard dictionaries, have been laid under contribution for this work. For the solution of -Cross Word Puzzles special attention is called also to the lists of Americanisms and Briticisms and the immensely valuable table of Homonyms (words spelt alike but different in use) — original features of easily recognized importance.

the book details :
  • Author: Samuel Fallows Professor elect of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Wisconsin
  • Publication date: 1898
  • Company: Chicago F.H. Revell company

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