The Russian immigrant - PDF book by Jerome Davis

The Russian immigrant 

The Russian immigrant
The Russian immigrant

Sociology must begin its investigations with observation. As Dr. Giddings says of it, "Description and history will keep well in advance of explanation." ^ Of such a study as The Russian Immigrant, this is especially true. Moreover, this subject does not readily lend itself to adequate statistical treatment — the data thus far collected by our Federal Government are too meagre, and to attempt an independent investigation would involve large resources and an extensive organization. 

The present monograph is an attempt to describe only the main social forces impinging on the Russian in America, and their inevitable effect on his mind. Of the many shortcomings in this treatise, the writer is very much aware. At best it can be but an approximation of conditions among the majority of Russians in this country. The reader must bear in mind that the research was made during a period when the Russian's attitude was affected by the great social upheaval in his native land, and must remember that in America one result of the war spirit was a series of reports

Author:  Jerome Davis
Publication Date: 1920

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