Symbols, Sex, and the Stars - PDF by Ernest Busenbark

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars 

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars

Origins of Moon and Sun Worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions, and Religious Beliefs.

Excerpt from the introduction:

The use of symbols to convey knowledge to the initiated and to conceal it from the uninitiated is as old as civilization. A clear understanding of the symbolic way of thinking is necessary if we would unveil and comprehend the “esoteric” (hidden or secret) meaning of the symbols of ancient and modern faiths.

Every object is connected with its origins through progressive change. The complex was evolved from the simple. In the realm of popular beliefs, however, especially of the theological type, the tendency has been to conceal from the common people the sources and nature of archaic symbols and practices.

So long as men express thought by the use of sym¬bols, the explanation of the origin and nature of their use is worthy of the best efforts of scholars. Genuine culture cannot be based upon the undeciphered palaeography of primitive ages.

The ancient faiths had their “mysteries”, forms of initiation, secret signs of recognition, and a body of symbolic lore generally kept from the public. Supernatural belief evolved through many stages. The initial stages are of chief interest to the scholar and serious student. In the early form of such belief, we find the core from which present ideas and practices have evolved. As a belief is a composite of previous ideas and experiences, the primitive mentality revealed in early symbolism appears also in modern emblematic representations.

In his “Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism”, Inman pertinently observes: “When there exist two distinct explanations, or statements, about the significance of an emblem, the one ‘esoteric’, true, and known only to the few, the other ‘exoteric’, incorrect, and known to the many, it is clear that a time may come when the first may be lost, and the last alone remain". (P. xii) Inman illustrates the thought by showing that the correct pronunciation of “Jehovah” was supposed originally to be known only to a select few, and later was lost, while the admittedly incorrect pronunciation survived.

Every state of society continues from the point of development at which its predecessor left off. Every statement of belief takes on in the course of time different values or interpretations. The god of the ancient Hebrews or Christians is certainly not the god of modern believers, and present-day religious worship embodies many departures from that which the ancients accepted as the ultimate standard.

Understanding the nature of this cultural change requires the study of the development and migration of symbols and their utilization to express supernatural concepts. The social environment usually makes such a study seem inadvisable.

Some contents:

Early efforts to explain the mysterious spectacle of the heavens. Gods with supernatural powers . .All acts of nature are attributed to friendly or unfriendly gods. The sun worshipped in China, Japan, England, Mexico, Peru, l\Ialaya, Rome, Egypt, Persia, India, Palestine, Greece. Why moon worship preceded sun worship. Modern archaeological discoveries. Influence of the La\Vs of Hammurabi upon the Laws of Moses.
Phases and cycles of the moon. Lunar calendars. The moon as Regulator of Fate. Origin of the belief. Influence of the moon upon life. Life cycles of plants and animals. Popular superstitions about the moon, ancient and modern.
III. LUNAR MYTHS AND CULTS --------------------------- 29
Early Babylonian culture: its sun and moon cults. Ishtar, the Great Mother, virgin goddess of fertility and procreation. Her lunar characteristics. Ishtar and Tammuz, Isis and Osiris, Astarte, Adonis, Aphrodite (Venus), Proserpine, Ceres, Attls, Diana, Tanit, Ching Mon, Attar, Atargatis. Mother goddesses as "virgins," born in the sea. Astronomical allusions. Origin of Easter. The custom of eating Easter cakes or buns.
IV. LUNAR AND SOLAR MYTHS---------------------------- 50
The struggle of Light and Darkness. Philosophic features. Myths of the T\Vo Brothers. The moon as the eye of the sun, bringer of light, saviour, redeemer. Sun or moon S\Vallowed by a serpent, dragon, or frog. Fear of eclipses. Daniel slays a dragon. Significance of the stories of Kronos ·and Uranus, Osiris, Typhon, and Isis, the fish-god Dagon, Jonah, Vishnu, Jason's Golden Fleece, Helios, Nimrod, Usas. Solar nature of mythical heroes: Zeus, Apollo, Orlon, Kronos, Siegfried, St. George. Feats of Hercules, and Samson as lunar-solar myths. Miraculous births of Samson, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Samuel. Babylonian story of Creation. Gilgamesh Epic. Deluge story.


Lack of Unity. Jahveh is a tribal god. Astrologers, magicians. Jews exhorte_d to avoid the worship of sun gods and Queen of Heaven (moon). Spread of pagan cults. Israel's fear of Egypt and Babylon. Hllklah discovers the Book of Deuteronomy. De Wette's discovery. Laws are of Moses unknown to Josiah. Josiah's reforms. Nebuchadnezzar sacks Jerusalem. Jewish reactions. Jahveh changes character. Exile in Babylon. Babylonian influence upon Ju.daism. Jews adopt belief In the devil, angels, a future life, heaven, hell, resurrection, and a day of final judgment. Magic and demonism.

Publisher: New York: The Truth Seeker Company.
Author: Ernest Busenbark 
Publication Date:1949

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