Sensational prison escapes from the Oregon State Penitentiary - PDF Book

Sensational prison escapes from the Oregon State

Sensational prison escapes

There is one thing noticeable that should not pass without mention. During the past year, up to this date, (September 1921 to September 1922) not an escape or walk-away has occurred from this prison- a most remarkable record indeed when it is remembered that all previous years have given an average of one per month. 

This prison has had many wardens and other officials in its time but to the present administration. Warden J. W. Lewis, Deputy E. C. Halley, and Principal Keeper A. L. Kendall must be given credit for a record that is remarkable. Gangs working outside have been just as numerous, there are as many or more trustees, and no privileges have been curtailed — opportunities have not been lacking, yet the inmates stick. 

The reason? Well, that is a book of itself, the title of which might read, "Humane vs. Brutal Prisons."
Their conduct as prisoners was bad and only a short time after their receipt they began to cause the prison officials constant trouble, and are said to have been ironed with "Oregon boots" and closely watched. 

The escape which took place on the morning of the date named followed an excursion to Salem on the day before, during which the party or parties who placed the guns and ammunition in the moulding room are supposed to have reached Salem, and under cover of darkness scaled the prison walls and placed them where they were found by Tracy. Only someone who v^-as familiar with the prison and knew its inside workings and Tracy's place in the moulding room could have succeeded in escaping the guard patrol and have carried out the plans so well.

Author: Prisoner no. 6435
 Publication Date: 1922

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