Mysticism and logic, and other essays - PDF by Bertrand Russell

Mysticism and logic, and other essays

Bertrand Russell

The eleventh impression of a collection of essays, some of which were included in an early volume, now out of print, entitled Philosophical Essays. The author describes the first five of these as "entirely popular" and these include some well-known titles: Mysticism and Logic, 

The Place of Science in a Liberal Education, A Free Man's Worship, The Study of Mathematics, Mathematics, and the Metaphysicians. The essays that follow are, he says, "somewhat more technical": On Scientific Method in Philosophy, The Ultimate Constituents of Matter, The Relation of Sense- Data to Physics, On the Notion of Cause, Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description.

The following essays have been written and published at various times, and my thanks are due to the previous publishers for permission to reprint them. The essay on " Mysticism and Logic " appeared in the Hibbert Journal for July 1914.


I. Mysticism and logic. I
Ii. The place of science in a liberal education 33
Iii. A free man's worship . . 46
Iv. The study of mathematics . . 58
V. Mathematics and the metaphysicians . . 74
Vi. On scientific method in philosophy . . 97
Vii. The ultimate constituents of matter. .125
Viii. The relation of sense-data to physics . . 145
Ix. On the notion of cause . . . . 180
X. Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description . . ... 209

Publication Date: 1918
 Bertrand  Russell

the book details :
  • Author:Bertrand Russell
  • Publication date: 1918
  • Company: New York: Longmans, Green and co.

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