China the mysterious and marvellous - by Victor Murdock - PDF ebook

  China the mysterious and marvellous

China the mysterious and marvellous

CHINA, after resisting change for forty centuries, is at last changing. An oriental republic has supplanted an ancient oriental monarchy.

 The old dragon of dynastic misrule is dead, and an age-old subject race is trying to conform to the requirements of democracy. 

The transition from the old way to the new way is unique and so variously manifested that perhaps the best record of the transition is by flash a quick exposure of detached and fleeting scenes in the everyday life of the people. So the views in this volume seek to set down, topically and currently, the impressions of a traveller to the far interior of China and incidentally to Peking, the capital.

The cultural differences between the Orient and the Occident render China to a westerner's eyes mysterious as the factor of magnitude in the country's area, its population and its works render it marvellous. No change in government will make China less so in either respect. With the stabilization of the democratic form, and with the quickened growth of Christianity throughout the Republic which I believe must follow, China will change, but China, when changed, as in the period of transition, must remain China, mysterious and marvellous.

Author: Victor Murdock 
 Publication Date:1920   

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