Russian conversation-grammar by Pietro Motti - PDF ebook

 Russian conversation-grammar

( Gaspey-Otto-Sauer methods)

Russian conversation-grammar
 Russian conversation-grammar by Pietro Motti 

An excerpt from the book's introduction:
In strict adherence "to the Gaspey-Otto-Sauer method, I have divided this Conversation Grammar into two parts. The first of them, preceded by an introduction exhibiting the theory and practice of correct pronunciation, offers in as clear and scientific a form as possible the roles of the accidence and the elements of the language in general, including the irregular verbs.

Each lesson treats a group of rules complete in itself and conveniently exemplified, a reading exercise in which the rules are applied to numerous sentences in fluent and modern conversational language, an exercise for translation into Russian, and a conversation in which the matter introduced in the previous exercises receive a new and more varied application.

From the twenty-first lesson onwards, anecdotes and tales are appended to encourage students by showing them that they are now capable of deciphering something better than detached sentences. In the end, a certain number of recapitulatory exercises are given.

The study of the first part being finished, it will soon be seen that Russian is a very methodical language and that it is not by far so difficult as it is generally thought Declension and conjugation obey, with few and rare exceptions, more apparent than real, fixed and well-ascertained rules.

Great simplification is afforded by a constant application of the law of permutation, and by a rigorous distinction between hard and soft terminations.

On the other hand, learners will have observed with pleasure that the Russian language is characterized by a fusion of sweetness and force and that its immense fund is not only supplied by Slavonic roots but by the ample admission of Germanic, Romance, and Oriental elements, without in the least diminishing its regularity and flexibility.

Author: Pietro Motti 
Publication date:1922

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