Profitable pigeon breeding 1922 Free PDF eBook Small Business by Arthur Hazard

Download  Profitable pigeon breeding 1922 Free PDF eBook Small Business

Profitable pigeon breeding; a practical manual explaining how to breed pigeons successfully,--whether as a hobby or as an exclusive business

Download  Profitable pigeon breeding 1922 Free PDF eBook Small Business

We take great pleasure in presenting to the public "Profitable Pigeon Breeding," by F. Arthur Hazard, a book that will appeal particularly to the beginner. It is another one of our series of standard pigeon textbooks. Experienced breeders will find it.

especially valuable as a reference book and manual. Mr. Hazard is not only a breeder of pigeons, hut a recognized authority on the subject, having had a life-long experience to back up his statements. He is well known to the pigeon world as a practical writer having contributed articles for many years t<. the American Pigeon Journal.

 He knows what affects profit and loss, knows the problems of the beginner, and explains in detail the successive steps the beginner must learn in order to bec< a successful pigeon breeder,— whether it is merely as a hobby or; is;m exclusive business. Book teaches you how to breed Pigeon and earn from it with many illustrations and images.

Book Published: 1922

Author: Arthur Hazard