Hand sewing lessons - PDF by Sarah Krolik

 Hand Sewing lessons

Hand Sewing lessons
Hand sewing lessons

The value of these lessons has been proven by fifteen years of experience in the " Self-Help Circle," a school organized to instruct girls in the domestic arts. 

At first, they were taught on clothing for themselves, which they paid for in small sums from week to week. It was found that while all learned to make garments for home use, few became expert needlewomen. Haste to complete wearing apparel resulted in inferior workmanship. A combination course was adopted which gives variety with continuity. 

It has been used for several years with excellent results. Pupils are taught that only by careful practice can they hope to excel, that these models are the waymarks of their progress, and will be treasured by them in the future as their own handiwork. With the text, they form a book of reference on making and mending garments that are highly prized. 

" Hand Sewing Lessons " is a book for those who wish to learn sewing and how to teach it to others. It gives a practical course for normal and high school classes and supplies trained teachers with printed instructions for pupils in place of written ones that take so much time and that overlap the work of other departments. 

The stitches are combined for practice while new ones are being learned, so as to form a continuous line of progress and carry out the principle of bridging the way from the known to the unknown, and of making a pleasant road to knowledge, which will become a part of daily life in after years. 

Thanks are due to Mrs Edwin E. Leggett of Detroit, former superin- tendent of the Solvay Sewing School, Delray, Michigan, for suggestions from her school notes and plan of finger exercises, and to Mrs Julia d'Arcambal Giddings for her assistance.

Some Contents:

To Teachers .....
To Mothers
Topics for Talks .......
Sewing Outfit ........
Needles and Thread
Combination of Graded Course with Practice Work.
Model i. Basting
Model 2. Overhanding...
Model 3. Matched Edges.
Model 4. Warp and Woof, Overcasting.
Model 7. Hemming, Mitred Corner
Model 8. Extension and Faced Hems, Blind Hem on Cotton
Model 9. Hem-stitching
Model 10.
Model ii.
Model 12.
Model 13Backstitching and Half-backstitching
French Seam in Running and Half-backstitch
Gathering and Gauging .....
Plackets for Underwear...

Author: Sarah Krolik
 Publication Date: 1905
Company:  New York, etc., Educational publishing company

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