East of the Sun and west of the Moon (1922) - PDF by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen

East of the Sun and West of the Moon - with coloured illustrations 

East of the Sun and West of the Moon

FOLK-TALE, in its primitive plainness of word and entire absence of complexity in thought, is peculiarly sensitive and susceptible to the touch of stranger hands; and he vi^ho has been able to acquaint himself with the Norske Folkeeventyr of Asbjornsen and Moe (from which these stories are selected), has an advantage over the reader of an English rendering. Of this advantage Mr. Kay Nielsen has fully availed himself: and the exquisite 6izarrerie of his drawings aptly expresses the innermost significance of the old world, old wives' fables.

 For to term these legends, Nursery Tales would be to curtail them, by nine-tenths, of their interest. They are the romances of the childhood of Nations: they are the never-failing springs of sentiment, of sensation, of heroic example, from which primaeval peoples drank their fill at will.,


  • East of the sun and west of the moon.
  • the blue belt 
  • prince lindworm 
  • the lassie and her godmother 
  •  The husband who was to mind the House 
  •  the lad who went to the north wind. 
  •  the three princesses of Whiteland. 
  •  Soria Moria castle 
  • The giant who had no heart in his body 
  •  the princess on the glass hill ... 
  •  the widow's son 149 the three billy goats gruff... 
  •  the three princesses in the Blue Mountain 
  •  the cat on the overfill
  • one's own children are always the prettiest.

Author: Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen,  Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen, 
 Publication Date: (1922)
Illustrations: Kay Nielsen 

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