The pirate city : an algerine tale by R.M. Ballantyne - PDF ebook

The pirate city: an algerine tale by R.M. Ballantyne

The pirate city: an algerine tale

In. this book I have attempted to present an accurate picture of life and events in the Pirate City of Algiers, as exhibited about the first quarter of the present century. Without claiming to be absolutely correct in every trivial detail, I may venture to hope that, having spent a winter in Algiers, and carefully examined the most interesting and authentic records obtainable, error in fact and colouring has been avoided. My best thanks are to Colonel Playfair, Consul-General at Algiers, and several other friends, for their kindness in furnishing me with the books and some of the material out of which my tale has been constructed.

Author: R.M. Ballantyne
 London (21 Berners Street) : J. Nisbet

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