Chinese Phrase Book, 1943 free PDF Chinese PDF Ebook

Download Chinese Phrase Book, 1943 free PDF Chinese PDF Ebook

 Download Chinese Phrase Book, 1943 free PDF Chinese PDF Ebook

Table of contents
1. Emergency expressions 10
Asking help 10
Warnings 16
Commands 16
2. General expressions 22
Greetings 22
Phrases to help understanding 28
Questions about an individual 36
Rank 40
Organization and specialty 46
3. Personal needs 58
Food and drink 58
Lodging 74
Medical aid 80
Buying and personal services 94
4. Location and terrain 110
Location 110
Distance 116
Nature of terrain 118
5. Roads and transportation 124
Roads and bridges 124
Railroads, busses, planes 128
Other means of transportation 130
Repairs and supplies 132
6. Communications 136
Radio 136
Telephone — numbers 140
Telegraph 148
Mail 150
7. Reconnaissance 156
8. Landing a plane 170
9. Numbers, size, time, etc 174
Amount 174
Ordinal numbers 174
Size and weight 176
Time 176
10. Additional terms 184
Personal equipment 184
Weapons and ammunition 186
Cars, tanks, planes, ships 188
Tools and supplies 194
Communications 196
Miscellaneous 198
Money, weights, and measures 200
Provinces and cities of china 210
11. Important signs 232
12. Chinese road signs 234
13. Alphabetical word list 236

Book Published: 1943

Author: United States. War Dept

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